Muslims in the West, Islamophobia, Islamofascism!

Published : 13 Dec 2015, 05:04 PM
Updated : 13 Dec 2015, 05:04 PM

Days after the killings of fourteen people in a holiday party in San Bernardino, California, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and other Muslim organisations in the US are steadily beating the drum of Muslim victimisation.

They are giving voice to the fear and loathing that Muslims feel in the US and elsewhere. On the other spectrum, the blunderbuss Donald Trump is screaming for "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States". In France the Nationalist Party is winning the municipal elections which means they are set to win the upcoming national elections.

The lives of millions of Muslims in the West have become studies in fear, anguish, and discrimination. Organisations like CAIR says it is Islamophobia. I say yes, it is Islamophobia but it is brought on by Islamofascism.

The Muslim community in the US and Europe has taken to no visible action to stop the spread of the violent Islamist ideology. We as a community pandered to the notion that Islam is a peaceful religion and the violence is just an aberration. We have convinced the Western Liberals that that is the case.

In the process we simply forgot what the ordinary people see on television, the Internet and read in newspapers. They see a violent, intolerant, and a backwards-looking religion using modern tools of destruction and murder. The reality contradicts the contrived narrative.

There runs a singular strain within Islam which is violent and squarely lives in the past. It is the heart of darkness and it is a part of Islam. CAIR and Muslim leaders of other organisations always go out after an incident and say that Islam is a religion of peace.

Well, piffle snort! What people and the leaders shout from the rooftops do not jive with history and facts. Three of the four Caliphs (the Salafs, or the pure ones) after Muhammad (PUBH), died violent deaths at the hands of other Muslims.

The prophet's grandsons were killed by contenders of power who were devout Muslims. The women in the Prophet's family were chained and enslaved. Islamic conquests are drenched in blood and gore.

The one country, being Saudi Arabia, which is supposed be the guardian of Islam is run by bloodthirsty dictators who kill people at a whim. They practice the old tribal barbaric form of justice where beheading someone is the norm.

A lot of the present day turbulence is the direct result of their Wahhabi philosophy and practice. In my own country of birth, Bangladesh, the Pakistani Army murdered some three hundred thousand people in the name of Islam. Their clever device for determining your piety was to check and see if you were circumcised.

I know this first hand when they stopped me and one of my uncles and had us open our lungis to prove that we were indeed Muslims. This sounds silly, but our lives depended on that little bit of foreskin!

No, my coreligionists, Islam is not a religion of peace. Yes, there can be peace and there can be happiness but most of the time they exist in spite of the religion and not because of it.

I have no sympathy for Trump the moron and his blabbering announcement that Muslims should be barred from entering the US. I do, however, understand the fear and loathing that can cause such outbursts and blind rage. From the massacre of 9/11, the mindless attacks on London streets on 7/7, the Mumbai attacks, the Bali bombing, the Charlie Hebdo cold blooded murders, the Paris killings, and to the killings in San Bernardino, there is one simple common element.

Each of these outrages were committed by people proudly describing themselves as Muslims. They were there proclaiming the purity of their purpose and the desire to kill all, innocents and otherwise.

This is where the Muslim leadership in the West failed its Muslim community utterly and totally. They kept repeating the talking point that Islam is religion of peace and the violence is an aberration, and in some cases, maybe justified.

They brought up the victimhood of the Muslims and they are quick to anger in case someone would say something that points out the obvious, namely that the facts do not agree with their narrative of victimhood.

All the killings and the pictures of bloodthirsty ISIS fighters beheading journalists and other innocents simply do not agree with the purported peacefulness of Islam. The very name ISLAM means peace but the history says otherwise.

Let us leave history behind and deal with the situation in 2015. The calls for exclusion of Muslims from America and other parts of the West has to be looked at seriously. We as a community must accept that the "happy, happy, joy joy" politically correct narrative lizard-scat is simply not working for the vast majority of Westerners.

I think the people have had it and thus we are in a perilous position in giving someone like Trump a shot at the presidency. In early 2015, Trump was a national joke in the US. He was busy being a Reality Star and worried about Jay-Z or some other fourth rate celebrity.

What is making him a hero to a lot of Americans is that he is challenging the false narrative that Muslims and the hapless liberals are peddling. There is a clear disconnect between the facts on the ground and the propaganda.

If we Muslims really believe that these monsters are against the religion and they are an aberration or cancer, then should we not act forcefully rather than be loud windbags in bad English and terrible beards?

We do know how to act as an unified community in the West. In the early nineties during the terrible Bosnian war, the mosques were busy raising money, food, and clothes for the Bosnian Muslims.

People were volunteering to go to Bosnia to do humanitarian work (OK, some ended up getting into the fight). There was discussion groups and there was an active discourse in the community as to how to stop the atrocities. I participated in some of these events.

However, I have seen no such fervour against the Jihadists anywhere in the US or in Europe. There has been silence and pandering. Well, it may be silence of the lambs based on their fear. However, to fear evil is evil itself. We are all committing the sin of tolerating an unparalleled evil without trying to defend the community or the Ummah. I understand that the clash will be brutal but brutality has been imposed on us and we need to respond in kind.

I am invoking my right to denounce the Jihadists as Kaffirs, non-Muslims, and enemies of Islam. This denunciation is called Takfir. The Jihadists use Takfir all the time to kill innocents. Our community in the West must use Takfir to denounce these murderers and stop them once and for all.

There will be excuses, that we did not know that this or that guy is a Jihadist. But that is just an excuse. These people live within the community and they have to breathe the air we breathe.

We need to make the air unbreathable for these folks. We need to have zero tolerance towards any Jihadi talk and cooperate with law enforcement to put them behind bars for as long as possible.

Until the community rises up and acts forcefully, I am afraid fat morons like Trump will continue to rile up people. It is important to understand that Islamophobia is a result of Islamofascism and one cannot confront one without confronting the other.